Boca Grande is tucked out of the way from any cities but we are easy to access. Here are some general directions. Please Note: some GPS and mapping software may direct you to another island. (If you come to the end of the road and find yourself at a car ferry landing, you are in the wrong place.)
Directions from Brandon/Tampa Area to Boca Grande
From the Tampa area, take I-75 South. In about an hour, you’ll be passing the four Sarasota exits. Continue south about another 15 minutes to exit #191 (River Road). Exit Turn right (west). In about 7 miles, you’ll come to a stop light at U.S. 41.
Continue through the intersection. In about another 7 miles, you’ll come to another stoplight at Pine Street. You’re now in Englewood. Turn left and in about 2 miles you’ll come to a major intersection with stoplights. On the other side of the intersection, (to the right) you’ll see a shopping center with a Publix and Bealls. Continue through the intersection. Pine Street becomes Route #775 (also known as Placida Road).
In about 10 minutes, you’ll pass the Cape Haze Publix shopping center on your left. Continue south another 5 minutes, you’ll see the Boca Grande Causeway on you right, at the stop light. Merge right at the light and you’re entering the causeway toll station. Once through the tollbooth, the causeway proper is just another couple of blocks. After crossing the swing bridge over the Intracoastal Waterway and 2 other little concrete ‘bump’ bridges, you’ll be on Gasparilla Island (about 2 miles of causeway). Continue south (you’re now on Gasparilla Road).
Have a safe trip!
Directions from South Florida to Boca Grande
Take Alligator Alley (I-75 West). Continue on Alligator Alley (I-75) across the state to the tollbooth at the west end of the Alley (Naples). Then go north on I-75 to exit #170 (Kings Highway).
Go left after you exit. Get into the right lane. In about a quarter of a mile, you’ll come to a stop light at Veterans Highway. Turn right. In about 5 miles, you’ll come to U.S. 41 (Tamiami Trail). This is just past WalMart and Target on your left. Proceed through the intersection. Veterans now becomes Route #776.
In about 7 miles, you’ll go across the Myakka River. About 2 miles or so beyond the river, you will come to a stop light at Route #771. Turn left on Route #771. (Gulf Cove Publix is at this intersection.)
In about 8 miles, more or less, you’ll come to the Boca Grande Causeway on the left. As an indicator that you’re nearly to the causeway, when you go over a little bridge and the road turns to the right, the causeway is only about 2 or 3 blocks ahead. Turn left at the traffic light and you’ll come to a toll bridge. For the next mile, there will be water on both sides of the road.
After you cross over the second & third bridge, you’re on Gasparilla Island!